














Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle

Große Kuhschelle


Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Kuhschelle-schwarze Pulsatilla nigricans Meadow anemone

Kuhschelle-schwarze Pulsatilla nigricans Meadow anemone

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower


Kuhschelle-gew. Pusatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

Two green-veined whites against the light

Two green-veined whites against the light

A silver Y moth is sitting on a grass-stock

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

A couple of common blue by the pairing

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A couple of common blue by the pairing

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

A common blue is sitting on a flower

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

Küchenschelle geschütze Pflanze

A green-veined white is sitting on a leaf

A common blue is sitting on a flower

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A couple of common blue by the pairing

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A silver Y moth is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

A green-veined white is sitting on a flower

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

Green-veined whites against the light

A silver Y moth suckles on a flower

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

A common blue is sitting on a flower

A silver-studded blue is sitting on a leaf

A couple of common blue by the pairing

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A green-veined white against the light

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A green-veined white against the light

A common blue is sitting on a flower

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A green-veined white is sitting on a flower

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

Green-veined whites against the light

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a flower

A couple of common blue by the pairing

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A green-veined white is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A green-veined white is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A common blue is sitting on a flower

A common blue is sitting on a grass-stock

A silver Y moth suckles on a flower

A couple of common blue by the pairing

A silver Y moth suckles on a flower

A silver Y moth suckles on a flower

Gesamtanzahl: 113 Bilder